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LP Hansen is a New Zealand based author of books for both adults and children. Asked about her work as an author, she replied:

L P Hansen

’I write about people finding their inherent strengths as they respond to issues like threatened environments, bullying, consumerist cultures, the hidden faces of war and slavery. They’re fast-paced adventures with often youthful protagonists who are already questioning social and cultural controls as they depart childhood. There’s danger and demanding challenges as these characters grow to understand how human potential is influenced by violence – or by humane example. They each must make choices as they confront issues they can’t ignore. 

Being fact-based, all books include sources for further reading. I quit my job of teaching writing at university to create my own books, after Socks, my story on homelessness won the Jack Lasenby Senior Award for children’s writing (2012).’

Reviews for LP Hansen’s work

An adventure with hints of humour and romance. Right from the start I was hooked.

15 April 2021, review by Savarna Yang.* “Why is the human female valued so low that many women see themselves and others as not fit… Read more “An adventure with hints of humour and romance. Right from the start I was hooked.”

Dr. Michael Morris, Director Environmental Education Ltd, zoologist

Dr. Michael Morris, Director Environmental Education Ltd, zoologist, author and animal welfare advocate: ‘Transmits a profound and disturbing message in an informative yet entertaining tale… Read more “Dr. Michael Morris, Director Environmental Education Ltd, zoologist”

Ben Dowdle, Founder and Campaign Director of Unmask Palm Oil

Ben Dowdle, Founder and Campaign Director of Unmask Palm Oil, The Australasian campaign for mandatory labelling of palm oil: ‘A fast paced and exhilarating read… Read more “Ben Dowdle, Founder and Campaign Director of Unmask Palm Oil”

Alexia Hilbertidou

Alexia Hilbertidou, Founder and CEO, GirlBoss NZ: ‘The Fire Keeper’s Girls is a coming-of-age story to enlighten and inspire the next generation of GirlBosses. This… Read more “Alexia Hilbertidou”

Beautifully crafted YA-fiction, so current that it has a reference to Greta Thunberg by page five! 

The Dark Quest of Countess X draws on the work of Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize winning economist, and follows four groups of teenage students from… Read more “Beautifully crafted YA-fiction, so current that it has a reference to Greta Thunberg by page five! “

David Hill, author of ‘My Brother’s War’

David Hill, author of ‘My Brother’s War’, winner of both the Junior Fiction and the Children’s Choice Junior Fiction: NZ Post Awards, 2013 NZ: ‘Linda… Read more “David Hill, author of ‘My Brother’s War’”

Hidden Stories of Heroism for a Peaceful Planet

Take an hour to feel proud (and horrified) by these fine and often suppressed stories of our peacemakers in Aotearoa and elsewhere. I wish I’d… Read more “Hidden Stories of Heroism for a Peaceful Planet”

Barbara Murison worked with children, people and books from 1950

Barbara Murison worked with children, people and books from 1950. Member New Zealand Association of Manuscript Assessors: ‘‘An Unexpected Hero’ is one of those books where you… Read more “Barbara Murison worked with children, people and books from 1950”

Mandy Hager Review

Hidden Stories of Heroism for a Peaceful Planet by L P Hansen “This succinct and well-written book is a celebration of the courageous people who… Read more “Mandy Hager Review”

The argonaut or paper nautilus is surely one of the most mysterious creatures that travels our oceans

The argonaut or paper nautilus is surely one of the most mysterious creatures that travels our oceans. In her picture book, The Argonaut Queen, Linda has… Read more “The argonaut or paper nautilus is surely one of the most mysterious creatures that travels our oceans”

Ruth Paul, author/illustrator of many award-winning books

Ruth Paul, author/illustrator of many award-winning books including ‘The King’s Bubbles’ which won the NZ Post Children’s Choice Picture Book Award 2008: ‘In An Unexpected… Read more “Ruth Paul, author/illustrator of many award-winning books”

As a teenage girl, I can relate

I learnt a lot about the importance of knowing my own gifts and finding my place in the world. I recommend this book particularly to… Read more “As a teenage girl, I can relate”

Fluid interchange between points of view, giving readers the ability to understand the girl’s differing personalities, opinions and experiences.

I loved how at the end, the author includes brief biographies of all the women Gemma and Alice researched for The Game. I learnt an… Read more “Fluid interchange between points of view, giving readers the ability to understand the girl’s differing personalities, opinions and experiences.”

Hidden Stories of Heroism for a Peaceful Planet

Linda has brought together a wonderful collection of heroes and heroines who chose the road less travelled and have argued for a world free of… Read more “Hidden Stories of Heroism for a Peaceful Planet”

Sue Kedgley, politician, animal welfare campaigner and author

Sue Kedgley, politician, animal welfare campaigner and author: ‘An absorbing and exciting book about teenagers who decide to investigate the way palm oil plantations are… Read more “Sue Kedgley, politician, animal welfare campaigner and author”

Wonderful story about teenagers and their belief they can make a difference

This is a story about a young New Zealand girl Heidi, who has a passion for photography and a yearning desire to be a photographer… Read more “Wonderful story about teenagers and their belief they can make a difference”

Chris Duggan, Founder and National CEO, House of Science, NZ

Chris Duggan, Founder and National CEO, House of Science, NZ: ‘The Fire Keeper’s Girls is a story full of hope and light, a fast-paced adventure involving… Read more “Chris Duggan, Founder and National CEO, House of Science, NZ”

Dawn Sanders ONZM QSM, CEO and Trustee, Shakespeare Globe Centre NZ

Dawn Sanders ONZM QSM, CEO and Trustee, Shakespeare Globe Centre NZ & Member of the Shakespeare Globe Council, London: ‘Linda Hansen creates a compelling read… Read more “Dawn Sanders ONZM QSM, CEO and Trustee, Shakespeare Globe Centre NZ”

Dark Quest: inspiring and stirring tale of feminism and awareness

This inspiring and stirring tale of feminism and awareness comes with hints of humour and romance and will provide readers with a slew of new… Read more “Dark Quest: inspiring and stirring tale of feminism and awareness”

Inviting springboard for research – Tui Motu Magazine

Review in Tui Motu Magazine, by Catharina van Bohemen — August 31, 2021 New Zealander L P Hansen writes about “real kids in real adventures”… Read more “Inviting springboard for research – Tui Motu Magazine”

Eleanor Parkes, Director, Child Alert (ECPAT) NZ

I’m very excited about this book which makes urgent issues real and accessible while leaving young readers feeling empowered. I’m hooked!

Reviewed for The Sapling by Becks Popham

Hidden Stories of Heroism for a Peaceful Planet by L P Hansen Hidden Stories of Heroism for a Peaceful Planet is a 112 page chapter book… Read more “Reviewed for The Sapling by Becks Popham”

Bad Oil and the Animals is an astounding novel/novella with themes of global warming, the environment and self-discovery.

Centred around sixteen-year-old Heidi and her new-found friends, it explores the horrific effects of palm oil.  Palm oil is something that sure has a bad… Read more “Bad Oil and the Animals is an astounding novel/novella with themes of global warming, the environment and self-discovery.”

Michele A’Court, writer, social commentator, comedian

This is a terrific read, delightful not just for young adults but for the older adults in their lives. It gives a bigger picture of… Read more “Michele A’Court, writer, social commentator, comedian”

Whanganui Library recommends Linda Hansen as an experienced researcher and storyteller

Whanganui Library recommends Linda Hansen as an experienced researcher and storyteller offering a comprehensive presentation on peacemakers in Aotearoa New Zealand in a wide sweep… Read more “Whanganui Library recommends Linda Hansen as an experienced researcher and storyteller”